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1: 実況の生放送 2: 実況動画の投稿 3: 2次創作 (但し、問題が起きた場合の 責任は取りません) 1: Live broadcasting. 2: Posting play video. 3: Fan fiction. (However, we are not responsible for any problems that occur.) |
1: ゲーム内素材の流用、無断使用、転載
2: タイトル画面以外の一枚絵をサムネイルにする 3: 過度なネタバレ表記 4: 誹謗中傷を目的とした実況、レビュー 1: Diversion of in-game materials. Unauthorized use. Reprinted. 2: Do not thumbnail the illustrations in the game. (Except title screen.) 3: Do not write endings in explanations. 4: Do not say bad things about the game. |